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I-485的Check List 填写模板

美国移民 yimin 6年前 (2019-09-08) 4484次浏览 0个评论

I-485的Check List  填写模板

【I-485的Check List】

● Petitioner:写下配偶姓名

● Beneficiary:写下美国公民姓名

● Nature of the submission: I-485 – Immediate Relative (Spouse) Family Based Adjustment of Status Application

Index of Documents (列出全部文件明细,视各人状况而有些许差异)

1. Form G-1145 e-notification of application/petition acceptance

2. Check in the amount of US$1,070 for I-485 payable to U.S. Department of Homeland Security

3. Form I-485

4. Copy of beneficiary passport page

(4-1) Biographical page
(4-2) K1 Visa with entry stamps

5. Copy of I-94

6. G-325A signed by beneficiary

7. 2 passport photos of beneficiary (attached with a paper clip to Form G-325A and signed)

8. Copy of marriage certificate

9. Copy of beneficiary ‘s birth certificate

10. Copy of beneficiary’s household registration transcript

11. Copy of police criminal record certificate

12. Form I-693 report of medical examination and vaccination record (Completed by a Civil Surgeon sealed in an envelope)

13. Copy of I-797 notice of action, approval of K1 petition (front & back)

14. Form I-864, affidavit of support and supporting documents

(14-1) Copy of petitioner’s federal income tax return for the year 20XX
(14-2) Copy of petitioner’s federal income tax return for the year 20XX
(14-3) Proof of Assets (Bank Statement for the period XXX to XXX)

Petitioner: XXX (并签名)

Beneficiary: XXX(并签名)


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